“I am completely amazed how only one Erotic Hypnossage has completely changed my pleasure experiences with Sydney. Now I am able to feel things in my body like I never have before. Because of the hypnotic experience and Sydney’s guidance, I feel like a totally new man!” ~Doug

Let me tell you a story…it is about one of my clients, let’s call him Doug. Doug was a regular client, mostly coming in to see me for regular erotic bodywork. Slowly he became interested in prostate massage but was very hesitant. 

Whenever we would try he would tense up and not only could he not feel pleasure but he would also experience pain and a sense of shame due to years of religious programming. 

One day I suggested he try the Magic Button: Erotic Hypnossage™ session. In this experience, he was gently guided by my touch and the voice of Rayvn Ryder to relax, open and understand the spiritual and sensual nature of his “magic button.” 

During this process, I could feel his body relax and his base open in a way it never could before. All of his tension just seemed to melt away and what once was a hard no, instantly became a HELL YES! We moved very slowly and consciously and within a 90-minute period he went from a total tight-ass to a relaxed prostate master. 

“Wow! That was the most intense, pleasurable experience I have EVER had!” he exclaimed after our session. 

From that day forward, something changed in Doug. It was the way he walked. It was the way he talked. Everything about him seemed to radiate more confidence, happiness and sensuality. Not only did I notice it but he said those around him noticed it too and he was attracting beautiful women left and right. 

So you may be thinking it sounds too good to be true. Could a 90-minute Erotic Hypnossage™ session really change your entire life? You won’t know until you give it a try and find out for yourself! 

So what are you waiting for? Book today and see how you can master relaxation to change your body and change your life!


Breath work


TIPS: How to relax before and during a session