Breath work

Breathing is vital to sustain life. The fish have gills, humans have lungs, plants have aerobic respiration. Humans have the capacity to control their breath. When controlled breathing is practiced the person may control the body and mind. Thus, allowing one to control the energy.

            The human body can be regulated by controlled breathing. During exercise humans use controlled breathing to optimize workouts and increase oxygen rich blood. Deep breathing through the nose opens the lungs allowing an increase of blood flow and stamina. Resulting in an increase of endurance. Deep breathing also allows for a more mindful workout. Experts say, “The gold standard during strength training is to inhale on relaxation and exhale during exertion.” (Quaglio 2). If you can master breath work, you are on your way to controlling all parts of your body.

Mindful breathing has been practiced for centuries in meditation. When we strive to control breathing it regulates the body and nervous system, granting control of the mind. Repetition of such practices can be seen to net a more positive and relaxed effect in human interactions, reactions, emotions and thoughts. Reactions to problems become responses, emotions are less heightened, and thoughts are less scattered. Controlled breathing can be used to lower blood pressure which aides in gaining a sense of mental and emotional clarity.

            Reaching equilibrium through breath allows balance within the body and mind. By shifting the energy within yourself, it creates a butterfly effect.  Every human, animal and plant are affected by positive change set forth by your personal breathing pattern. The new creation of positive energy reaches far beyond your personal body.  Good vibes are seen as gratitude, honesty, and kindness. Low vibes are seen as laziness, complacency, and complaints. You can reference the double light experiment to see how the consciousness changes nature. 

            Breathing is the superpower that opens up an entirely new dimension. You can harness this power to regain control, clarity and personal relationships impacting your daily life and outlook drastically. Anyone can change their life, starting with making space to breath.

-Sydney Sol Publications

Big thanks to my editors J & M!

References, Quaglio, Laura.


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