TIPS: How to relax before and during a session

First of all, why is it important to be relaxed before and during a session? There is a need to be relaxed for both but they are very different so let’s take them one at a time.

But before we get into that, it is important to note that it is neither good nor bad to be relaxed. If you are not relaxed and have a lot of anxiety before and throughout, that is completely fine! It is very common and is nothing to cause even more stress about. However, there are easy ways that I can help you overcome your anxieties but whether it happens in the first session or the 5th session is not important. Relaxation takes practice and trust and eventually, you will get there! 

Why would you want to be relaxed before your session:

Any time you become stressed or anxious your nervous system kicks into overdrive and can cause a host of issues in the body. One of them being muscle tension and tightness. In a way, your body is trying to create a shield or barrier of protection. While this is helpful if you were actually in need of protection it is not helpful when you are getting bodywork and wanting to receive pleasure in your body. Ideally, you want your heart calm, your breath deep and your body soft and open. In this state, you are able to feel much deeper levels of pleasure and ecstasy. When your body is stiff and tense the muscles are essentially protecting anything from penetrating, including pleasure. So if you are able to show up relaxed and open, you are already in a perfect state to receive all the pleasure you deserve. 

Why would you want to be relaxed during a session: 

For all the same reasons above but also it is important to be relaxed so that you can be completely in the receiver mode. And by being 100% the receiver you are able to let go and feel sensations you have never felt before. This means letting go completely and letting your body go completely limp. Some people need to move their body to get the energy flowing but I challenge you to see what it is like to let go completely. 

“But I want you to know that I am enjoying it,” exclaimed one client.

I explained to him that I can feel his energy whether he is moving or not and I know that he is enjoying it. Eventually, he felt comfortable letting go and totally relaxing. He reported that for the first time, he could feel like he didn’t have to do anything and by doing this he was able to experience full body pleasure like he never had before!


  1. Meditate: Do a 20-minute meditation before coming in to clear your mind and center your heart.

  2. Affirmations: Create affirmation before going to sleep so you do not create anxiety in bed thinking about your upcoming session.

  3. Breathwork: Take 3 deep breaths anytime you start to notice anxiety showing up.

  4. Essential oils: Keep a calming essential oil handy like lavender or peppermint oil and take a deep inhale anytime you are feeling stressed. 

  5. Eat healthy: Sometimes sugars and other heavy food can be anxiety-inducing. When you feel light in your body you feel light in your mind. Be sure to eat a healthy meal before coming in.



  1. Trust: It is important to trust your provider. This may take time but as soon as you recognize that you are safe and in good hands you will start feeling relaxed

  2. Speak up: By voicing any anxieties you may have you are able to dispel their power. Feel free to give voice to any worry you may have before our session.

  3. Sensory Deprivation: By fully trusting my process of utilizing sensory deprivation you are able to remove all stimuli that might prevent you from relaxing. You will be able to block everything out, go within and fully let go. 

  4. Erotic Hypnossage™: Any of the Erotic Hypnossage™ sessions I offer are a great way to banish any anxiety you may have and put your body in an ideal state of relaxation. In my next Blog I will explain exactly how Erotic Hypnossage™ is the perfect way to help you relax.

  5. Breathing: Breathing deeply throughout your session is a great way to move any stuck energy in your body and open you up to more pleasure. Don’t worry about sounding or looking weird! It is a powerful practice and you are in a safe place to expressively unlock the power of your breath.

Relaxation is a big theme for me right now and I can’t stress (pun intended) enough how important it is to calm your stresses and embrace relaxation. If this is an issue for you, I hope this blog will be helpful and I hope that you will trust me to be your guide towards total relaxation. Be sure to stay tuned for the next blog which will go deeper into sessions that will help you relax even further.




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