New Erotic Hypnossage™: The Magic Button- A Penetrating Journey

I often get requests from men interested in pegging. But once we get to the big moment, some men find it hard to open and surrender enough to enjoy the full experience of pegging. 

So Rayvn Ryder and I thought it would be amazing to create a guided audio journey, for our Erotic Hypnossage series, that would ease you into the experience through a bit of imagination and a lot of eroticism. And to create an experience that was sure to be extremely penetrating! But before you book, let me excite you with what to expect. 

New to Erotic Hypnossage™? Read this blog to learn more. 

What to expect:

This journey is entitled The Magic Button and the creative theme is being guided by a magical priestess in search of your magic button which, when activated, will unlock your greatest potential and fullest pleasure. She looks all over your body, trying to find where, oh where, this button could be. Finally, she finds your button. And where does she find it? You guessed it! 

But this button can only be opened and activated once you are able to fully relax, surrender and all blocks have been cleared. In a magical ceremony, this priestess anoints your magical button with her words of mysticism. By the power of her word, your body unlocks, your DNA shifts and all blocks are cleared. 

You are then ready to receive the fullest pleasure, the deepest sensation and the most ecstatic bliss you could ever believe possible. 

This journey spends a great deal of time slowly massaging and opening the outer sphincter muscles where much tension, fear and shame are held. Deep relaxation is a major key to transforming pain into pleasure. In this session, you will be guided towards relaxation throughout with constant reassurance and coaching, which has the power to make the experience of penetration, unlike anything you ever imagined. 

This session turns the act of pegging into a sacred initiation into deeper masculinity and healing. It can help you reach the deepest places within that desire to open, feel and release. Each session will help you open more, deepen more and feel more– allowing you to understand the full potential of your sexual mastery.

Who this session is not for: 

The only preface I have is that most of Rayvn’s journey will have some level of mystic nuances. Her language never references any specific denomination but it does encompass themes of universal oneness, sacred union with the divine and vibrational energy. For some, this theme can play in the realms of fantasy, for some, it may resonate deeply on a spiritual level. For others, it may feel triggering if they are nowhere near the path of sacred sexuality and for those, I do not recommend this particular session. *But in the future, we will have more sessions which are purely erotic and do not go into any depth, which may be better suited for you. 

Who this session is for:

This session is perfect for newbies! Maybe you have been curious about pegging but still have some feelings of shame or fear? Being guided with soft, sensual confidence will help ease all trepidations and allow you to fully open to this divine act of sexuality. 

This session is also great for seasoned pros! No matter how many pegging experiences you’ve had, I guarantee you have never experienced anything like this! So while the experience may not be new, the journey certainly will be.

Whether you are completely new to pegging, a seasoned pro, or somewhere in between, this session is something that nearly everyone can enjoy! 

Still not sure? Don’t take my word for it. Here’s what one participant had to say:

Wow! Just wow! This was an incredible adventure that verged on the edge of some kind of futuristic virtual reality and old-world shamanism. The mix between fun roleplay and mystic magic was amazing. The sensual voice of Rayvn mixed with the magical touch of Sydney was a killer combination! I have never experienced anything like this. Sign me up for all future creations by these two gems!"


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