Single? How seeing a provider can help you attract more love into your life..

The way the universe seems to work is that the more you desire something, with the energy of desperation and neediness, the less likely you are to attract it. And when you have something in abundance, you seem to magically keep attracting more abundance. This is often seen in the archetype of the married man or the man with children seeming more desirable than the single, solo man. 

This is especially true when it comes to sexual energy–sexual energy, being one of the most powerful forces in this reality. Often times sexual energy can almost seem tangible. When someone has strong, exotic sexual energy it can almost be physically felt and seen. It is magnetic and draws you in, whether consciously or unconsciously, like a moth to a flame. And on the other hand, when someone lacks sexual energy, which is akin to vitality and pure life force energy, people often may feel almost repelled or completely turned-off. This is unfortunate because it is usually these people that need touch and sexual vitality from others the most. 

This is why I love what I do. As a practitioner and provider of sexual life-force energy, I sit in a category which is different from most. Where most people may be less magnetized to the man lacking in sexual energy, I feel drawn to them because I know I can help provide them with the energy that they desire.

So if you are out there, looking for love and have been single and solo for quite some time, it is my advice that instead of coming at a new possible mate, stale and depleted, you should come to her with your cup overflowing and exuding the sexual energy of a primal god! I often hear from my clients that they feel like a new man after our time together. They walk through life a bit taller, with more confidence and exuding tangible virility. They say that they get more looks on the street, that random women will come up to them and that they feel called to approach women that they never would have considered before our work together. 

“Sydney provides an amazing service that was unlike anything I have ever experienced. Will definitely be going to see her again soon. The experience was totally and completely unique and I came out of her office completely and totally refreshed and ready to take on life in a completely new way. I highly recommend going to see her.”

Still not convinced? Here are some undeniable reasons why seeing a provider will help you attract love into your life:

  1. Increases sexual energy for positive sexual attraction

  2. Increases confidence and creates a positive self-image

  3. Helps remove shame which can block an open heart

  4. Helps obtain skill and techniques which brings confident love-making

  5. Increases stamina and helps with performance anxiety

  6. Removes energy of desperation and neediness

  7. Increases divine masculine energy to attract the divine feminine

So why fight the laws of the universe? You attract that which you already have. If you have depleted, desperate sexual energy you will not attract love, you will attract a co-dependent, wound-matching relationship. However, if you have the empowered, confident, overflowing divine sexual energy of a god, you will attract the goddess of your deepest desires. If you practice sacred sexuality with a trained practitioner, such as myself, you will learn how to fill your own cup. You will know how to obtain your own satisfaction and power. And there is nothing more sexy and attractive than a man who exudes the self-contained, self-satisfied energy of a fulfilled individual. 

So come see me and let’s set this intention…the intention to fill you up, to expand your sexual energy and to help you attract the love that you truly deserve!


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