In a past blog post, I shared my personal boundaries when it comes to clients (Check it out here)

So you know my boundaries, but do you know your own boundaries?

It is a great practice to think about what your boundaries are before our session. This often helps to feel a sense of safety and comfort. It can help ease any nervousness. It can empower you to feel both  free and in control. And it can make for a more pleasurable session. 

Not sure what to consider when it comes to boundaries? Here are some ideas:

  1. Know your intention:

    In most tantric teaching, participants are taught to share their intentions before every interaction which includes needs, desires and fears. It is important to know and state what you want before a session because often people can get wrapped up in the heat of the moment, ask for more and possibly regret it once the passion has worn off. This is why it is important to express your desires before a session because, to honor you, I never veer from this during a session.

  2. Choose your add-on before a session:

    Similar to the above boundary, if you want an add-on, it is important to tell me before a session. This not only helps to make you feel safe but also to know that I will never take advantage of the moment by trying to upsell you in any way. You tell me what you want and need and nothing more is ever offered or given. 

  3. Know your likes and dislikes:

    Maybe there are places on your body that you don’t like touched. Maybe you have an old injury that still gives you a bit of anxiety. Maybe there are places on your body that would love some extra attention. Give this some thought beforehand and be sure to share as much as you can with me. The more you can share, the better our time together will be! 

  4. Business is business:

    One of your boundaries may be that you don’t want to be contacted after our session. Know that I always maintain strict professionalism and will never contact you for personal reasons after our session. But as a professional, I do like to offer a follow-up Thank You and once a month I send out a newsletter sharing specials and important news. However, if you want zero contact coming from my professional email, please let me know and I will remove you from all of my contact lists. 

Have I forgotten any? What other boundaries do you consider before a session or that you would suggest to others to help with a sense of safety, freedom and empowerment? Share with me during our next session!




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