5 Ways Bondassage® is Similar to BDSM

In my last post, I explained how Bondassage® differs from BDSM which might have eased any fear for those that may have been apprehensive. But what about those that are curious about BDSM or have played in that realm and want to know how Bondassage is similar to BDSM? 

Well, stay tuned because I am going to share the Top 5 Ways Bondassage® is Similar to BDSM…

In case you missed the last post, let’s first explain, what is Bondassage®:

Bondassage® is a sensory journey for the body which includes an assortment of different sensory objects to tease and tantalize the body. It utilizes restraints to allow for ultimate surrender as well as a blindfold and headphones for transcendent sensory deprivation. Within the 90-minute session, you will experience intense pleasure, gentle pain and lots of edging. 

Now, what are the similarities between BDSM and Bondassage®?

  1. Bondage

    You may not see restraints being used in every BDSM scene but they tend to be used quite a bit. One of the very first steps to a Bondassage® session is to make sure you are properly restrained. First I will fit you with my sexy fur and leather cuffs. Then I will make sure each hand and foot are snuggly fastened to the legs of the massage table. Why are restraints such an important aspect of a Bondassage® session? Number 2 will explain…

  2. Surrender

    Besides compliance, surrender is the top reason for the use of restraints. You may think that being restrained would make you feel the opposite of freedom and surrender but once you have given over control and can let go fully into the process, you will see how being restrained actually feels incredibly freeing. In a magical way, somehow the cuffs free you from responsibility, from the need to control, and from expectation—allowing you the freedom to simply let go and enjoy the ride. 

  3. Pushes your limits

    One of the main attractions to BDSM is its ability to push your limits. There is something thrilling and empowering about pushing your limits. When life becomes mundane and routines begin to drag us into uncomfortable ruts, BDSM can be a great way to break yourself free from the banal. Like BDSM, Bondassage® is a great way to test your boundaries in a safe setting. In a Bondassage® session you will never be pushed too far (I err on the side of caution to ensure no marks will be left) but you will get to feel the thrill and adrenaline that comes from reaching that moment right before you feel like it might be too much.

  4. Kinky

    Another major draw to the BDSM world is the feeling of being outside of the box and scenes can range from just a little kinky, to full-blown twisted. If the kink aspect entices you, then Bondassge® will be a perfect way to check something naughty off of your bucket list. While Bondassge® doesn’t exactly cater to specific fetish kinks, it will make you feel pretty naughty (in a good way :). 

  5. Aftercare

    One of the most important parts of a proper BDSM scene is the aftercare. It doesn’t matter what kind of scene you are doing or how light or heavy you go, proper aftercare is always essential. Similarly in a Bondassage® session, there is extra special care taken as an aftercare ritual. You will be brought down slowly, you will be held and you will feel bundled and safe to regulate the nervous system and comfortably come back into your body and present reality. 

So whether you are curious about BDSM and want to try Bondassage® to get your feet wet or you are constantly on the lookout for the next best thing to get your adrenaline pumping, Bondassage® will take you exactly where you need to go! 

Schedule a session today!




5 Ways Bondassage® Differs from BDSM