POST-HOLIDAY BLUES? - 5 Wellness Tips 

It is inevitable… the ups and downs, the highs and the lows. Beginning with Thanksgiving, our culture tends to go into an upwards cycle that can stay cranked in overdrive, locked in the “indulgence” gear, until just around the beginning of January. 

During this time we are out and about, going to parties, and visiting family and friends. We stuff our turkeys, our faces, and our wives. We empty our pockets and fill our stockings. And what do we have to show at the end of it? Usually, a dead Christmas tree sheltering an abundance of gifts we never needed and will never use, a depleted bank account and a soul that is tired, drained and in need of true fulfillment. 

While the holiday seasons are beautiful and such an amazing time to celebrate love and abundance, often times the contrast between so much abundance and then back to life, as usual, can be a bit shocking to the soul. Like going from a steamy hot tub to a freezing cold ice plunge. 

So how do you combat the all-so-common Post Holiday Blues?

Step 1: Do not go from straight from the hot tub to the cold plunge! Unless you are trying to induce specifically designed stress-related practices to strengthen the body, I do not recommend going from one extreme to the next. 

We all like to create a list of Resolutions and Goals for the new year but did you know that a shocking 90% of people never keep their resolutions? 

A better way to avoid Post-Holiday Blues and continue healthy balanced habits is to ease into them. If you went from drinking every night to no alcohol at all it is more likely that you will relapse back into the habit you were trying to quit. However, if you committed to drinking only when you went out and not every night, you could eventually wean yourself into a healthy habit. 

Consider this step with all of your new habits. If you were seeing lots of friends and family, try to schedule reasons to celebrate and don’t go from lots of parties to spending every night home alone. If you were never working out, try easing into it and not going from no gym to gym every single day. 

Step 2: Try adding these 5 wellness tips into your routine to help lift the spirit and nourish the soul. 

  1. Improve your Mood- Workout.

    This can include going to the gym, getting out in nature or having a steamy orgasmic pleasure session with your partner or with yourself. Whatever you can do to get those healthy endorphins going. 

  2. Improve mental Clarity- Meditate.

    Do not be rigid about this. It can be done in the morning, in the evening or even for just a few minutes at your desk in the middle of the day. Just spend a few breaths clearing your mind and coming back to yourself. 

  3. Understand Yourself- Write.

    Start a journaling practice. Start writing a fictional book. Write a letter to a friend. It doesn’t matter what kind of writing it is. Just start writing and see what you discover about yourself.  

  4. Understand Others- Read.

    Understanding the world through the words of another can be a great way to expand your horizons and see the world through a different lens. 

  5. Pamper Yourself- Cum see me!

    This, of course, is my favorite recommendation! If you want to cut out those Post-Holdiay Blues, there is no better way to do it than to see a professional–someone who is trained and experienced in the art of pleasure, ecstasy and bliss. Let me help you shake those blues by getting you back into your body and feeling the pleasure you deserve! 

Whatever methods you choose to shake off those blues know that you are not alone, know that the shifts and cycles are natural and know that this too shall pass! 

And reach out if you are looking for an exciting, exotic way to be the best you that you can be in 2023!


2022 Accomplishments & 2023 Goals
