My Favorite Clients

While I truly pride myself on being someone who is totally nonjudgmental and can find the beauty within all people…yes I admit I do have my favorites!! I completely love my job as a Denver-based provider for Sensual Massage and love meeting amazing men every day. Each person is unique and I honor each man that walks through my door. But these men especially make my job exciting, easy and super fun!!

The Nerdy Man:

You are the book guys, the tech guys, the intellectuals. I love you because I definitely classify myself as a sapiosexual, meaning that I am easily turned on by mind over body. There is something so sexy about you tech guys and most of the time your physical sex appeal matches your intellectual sex appeal. But the best part about you is that you don’t even know how sexy you are! This creates a disposition that is sweet, humble, kind, and lacking any sort of entitlement. Sometimes you can be a bit shy and nervous, which I also find adorably sexy! But most of the time you have the most interesting stories and facts to share. And you are always impressed and grateful for the energy we create together. All in all, the experience is completely hassle-free and leaves me feeling grateful and fulfilled! 

The Business Man:

You are the 9-5 corporate businessmen with hustle and drive. I love you because you know what you want, you voice your desires and needs and you get right down to business. You come to me because you need a quick break from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind. You get what you need and then it’s back to business. You guys are the easiest to book, which my assistant highly appreciates! You follow the booking instructions to a T, you don’t waste any time when you arrive, you say exactly what you want, you are extremely appreciative (because you know good service when you receive it) and you are generous in your gratuity on your way out! All in all, as a boss, you appreciate a boss and allow me to channel my hustle Boss Goddess energy!

The Seasoned Man:

You are the well-seasoned, well-lived man who has been around the block. I love you because you have seen enough and experienced enough to appreciate a meaningful experience when you come across it. Like the businessman, you have done this enough times to know exactly what you want…even though sometimes you still like to be surprised! But often you like to know what to expect, you appreciate routine and regularity. You want what you have always gotten and you love it each and every time. You book regularly as you know how important it is to keep up with your self-care routine. And you are always the sweetest with compliments and kindness, often calling me as your Angel! All in all, I love feeling your well-lived energy and, as your Angel, infusing you with a kick of vitality and youth! 

Don’t fit into any of these categories? Don’t worry, these are just a few of my favorites. What category do you think you would fall into? Share with me and remind me why you should be my favorite!


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