Fall is in the air...my favorite time of year! The time when everything cozy seems just upon us. Cozy sweaters, comforting scarves, hot pumpkin lattes, soft blankets to snuggle up with. And the beauty of it all...what once was alive and green is now fading into beautiful yellows, oranges, reds, preparing for their journey of being recycled back to the earth for yet another cycle. 

There is something very sexy about fall… and I have to say that it just puts me in the mood! Maybe it is the hormones–like a bear gorging himself before it’s winter hibernation. I don’t know what it is but during this time of year, I just can’t get enough! 

So if you are considering booking, book now! Because I can certainly feel the love in the air and I can’t wait to channel all of that love into our session. 

This fall, fall in love with YOURSELF! You deserve to be pampered. You deserve to be treated. You deserve to have pleasure and escape from the mundane life that traps us. If part of you feels like the leaves– changing, dying, lifeless… let me change that for you! No matter what season it is, you can be vital, green and full of life. Let me bring life back into your world. Let me take you into my world of sensual pleasure and bliss and help you once again, FALL IN LOVE with yourself!

P.S. You will love my new fall decor! Come check out my new studio revamp. It is sensual, cozy and delights the senses in all ways!


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