5 Benefits of Edging and Building Stamina

Are you interested in building your stamina? Do you love the tease and denial aspect of edging? If so, you have found the right gal! I receive much praise and veneration but my clients seem most impressed with my skills in Edging and Building Stamina. But how does this practice benefit you and why might you want to work on Edging and Building Stamina? I’ll tell you!...

But first, what is Edging/Tease and Denial?

Edging is simply the practice of stopping stimulation just before or climax or as it begins to build. In the world of BDSM, it may be referred to as Tease and Denial which involves more play such as a fun tease or used as a punishment. There is a delicate balance that must be played out here and is best to practice with a skilled practitioner as it is quite easy to go too far or not far enough to complete the experience. So why should you try this practice?

Benefits of Practicing Edging:

  1. Builds your stamina which allows you to last longer with your partner

    Edging and tease and denial play is by far one of the most effective means of building stamina. By building up pleasure and then allowing it to subside you begin to have a wave-like experience where you are able to go from peak to valley, continuing to feel pleasure but never going over the edge. This can then be translated into the bedroom with your partner creating an experience that can last for hours!

  2. Builds up your pleasure allowing for a more powerful release 

    As you go through several rounds of peak and valley the pleasure is like a cyclone going up a new rung every go-around and each time you go up a rung the pleasure begins to intensify. The release with this type of practice is infinitely bigger and can even lead to a full-body orgasm!

  3. Trains your body for sexual mastery

    The body requires training and practice like any instrument. It is important to fine-tune your instrument with proper training. Like you get a trainer for the gym, you can see me as your boudoir trainer! Through this training, you become the master of your body. You control it, it does not control you!

  4. Allows you to reach altered states of consciousness

    This was a common practice used in many spiritual and sexual rituals. This practice has been referred to as Eroto-comatose lucidity, which is a sex magic ritual originally created by Aleister Crowley in 1912. The book Modern Sex Magick: Secrets of Erotic Spirituality describes the ritual and how to reach Eroto-comatose lucidity: “A common form of the ritual uses repeated sexual stimulation (but not to physical orgasm) to place the individual in a state between full sleep and full wakefulness as well as exhaustion, allowing the practitioner to commune with their god.”

  5. Allows for deeper trust and connection with your body

    Through trust and openness, you begin to give signals to your body that you are ready to see how powerful it really is. There is an infinite pool of potential and power stored in your sexuality. As you go deeper and higher your body begins to unlock its untapped potential. Through this awakening, you will not only see your connection with your body get stronger, but you may also see increases in your vitality, your testosterone, your confidence, your luck, and potentially all aspects of your life! 

No matter what level you are at or why you have an interest in Edging and Building Stamina, I know you will love the fun we can have together. Whether it is a slow and sexy build-up that you like or a heart-pounding stop and start acceleration, this practice will bring you to levels you never imagined! 

Find out for yourself: Book Today!


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